Meth(odology) Lab: Making TIME
Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, 2017

Camila Marambio and Amaara Raheem are invited by Goldin+Senneby as interlocutors for the Brisbane edition of their mutating retrospective Standard Length of a Miracle (The Bootleg). The installation and performance of their Meth(odology) Lab: making TIME distil elements of Goldin+Senneby’s artistic practice and narrates them using new strategies introduced by the interlocutors.
The project takes the form of an alchemical laboratory, where the artists use a number of instruments to produce scents and other embodied experiences. For a single week following the exhibition opening, the laboratory is operational from 2pm to 6pm, and after this time only traces remain.
Meth(odology) Lab malfunctions Goldin+Senneby’s retrospective through practices of distillation, choreography and mythology.
Meth(odology) Lab ingests G+S’s matrix, activating an ancient, present-moment, futuristic, alchemical formula for making TIME.
Meth(odology) Lab digests acts of looking, acts of remembering, acts of narrating as means for things to grow, suspend, be forgotten, erased, inhaled, exhaled, looped back.
Meth(odology) Lab emits scents, gestures, oral histories, kinaesthetic responses that gaze back at the notion of ‘survey’.
Meth(odology) Lab is temporary.